From Bland to Grand: Elevating Your Video Content Game🚀

Read Time: 5 Minutes

Are you trying to stand out online?

Join the millions of other businesses also trying to do the same…

More than 85% of businesses are creating videos on social media this year, and truthfully, it’s a challenge to reap the rewards of social media just by doing the same as everybody else.

The ‘meet the team’ videos, and the ‘personal branding’ content a lot of founders are leaning into right now, they’re all well and good.

But to really make an impact online, you’ve got to do something different.

Here’s my advice on how you can do just that🚀

In a world where attention spans are shrinking and scrolling is second nature, standing out on social media has never been more crucial.

To help you achieve social media success and create video content that gains big results, here’s my go-to list:

  • Know Your Audience:

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You can’t be successful on social media if you don’t fully understand your target audience.

It sounds like a basic essential of marketing, but you’d be surprised with how many people do not know who they’re talking to, and this makes it incredibly difficult to create content that their consumers actually want to watch.

  • Quality Over Quantity:

Instead of churning out a high volume of videos, focus on producing high-quality content, be that photos, videos, designs, or podcasts, that feel unique and stand out.

Yes, consistency is important.

…but it’s even more vital to make sure that you’re posting high-quality content, over posting waffle that doesn’t break through the noise.

  • Tell a Story:

Storytelling is becoming more important as content marketing grows. This means that you too must become a storyteller.

I’m not talking about the waffle that you might see on LinkedIn about going from £0 in your bank, to a multi-millionaire overnight - that’s just dribble. But I am talking about seeing every situation in three chapters: The setup, Conflict, and Resolution.

Take a recent experience of yours, and first set the scene (The Setup), find the conflict that arose (The Conflict), and then discuss how you solved this problem (The Resolution). Take your viewers on a journey, and they’ll be hooked at the edge of their seats.

  • Optimise for Mobile:

Most people consume social media on a mobile, as opposed to a laptop or computer. This is why it’s essential to create specifically for this screen size.

Most businesses still post landscape videos on social media, and whilst it’s a very useful format that can be used across a website, social media platform, company sales decks, and the rest, it’s not what today’s consumers engage with.

Create specifically for where your consumers are. If this means social media, then start to create portrait content that takes more ‘real estate’ up on the platform you’re posting to. Allowing you to stand out much more than everybody else posting landscape.

  • Engage with Your Audience:

A crucial element of social media is in the name - be social.

Too many people will post content, and wait for the conversations to start. I say do something more proactive and use your content as a warm sales tool that enables you to start conversations.

Don’t sit back and wait, take action and engage with your community. Find out what they like, dislike, and want to see more of. That’s how you build a tight-knit, loyal community.

  • Video Length Matters:

Video length is becoming increasingly shorter, and my personal recommendation is to not make any videos over the 30-60-second mark if you’re posting to platforms like TikTok, Instagram, X, or Facebook.

YouTube is a different story, as it’s the hub of long-form, entertaining and educational content. But the same can’t be said for any other platform.

  • Add Captions:

Over 85% of consumers digest content with the sound off.

This means that if you’re not including subtitles in your content, you’re missing out on a large majority of engagement from your viewers.

  • Leverage Analytics:

There’s no point in posting a video, and moving on to the next one.

Instead, be data-driven with the performance and analytics of your content by using software and in-built analytics to track the performance and success of your hard work. Without this data, you’re approaching your content from a purely creative standpoint, and this never supports the larger goals of a business.

Begin to track the engagement, reach, click-through rate, and website traffic generated through your videos, and you’ll have a good understanding of the community you’re building, and whether your content is actually working to promote your business.

As always, this is just scratching the surface of video, and social media success. However, utilising these points within your own content and social approach will increase your success - you’ve just got to stick with it!

TLDR 💁🏼‍♀️

  • Fully understand your target audience.

  • Prioritise quality over consistency in your content.

  • Master the art of storytelling within your videos.

  • Optimise all of your videos for mobile users.

  • Engage with your community actively and analyse data.

 Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:

  1. Book a {60 MINUTE} Content Power Hour with me, and unlock the secrets to making your social media videos stand out online as I tweak your approach, and analyse how to improve your current videos.

  2. Don’t have time to create great videos yourself? Focus on your business, whilst we focus on creating the videos you’ve always dreamed of. Get in touch to find out more.

Until then, I’ll see you in next week’s newsletter!