Why Content Marketing Is Key In Creating A Truly Customer-Centric Brand 🤳🏼

5 Minute Read.

As the business landscape evolves, customer-centric brands have proven to be more successful than their competitors.

Today, we’re sharing how the top global brands have adopted a customer-centric approach, and how you can follow in their footsteps with a video-first approach ⚡️

What Is Customer-Centricity?💬

Customer-centricity means that you prioritise your customers' needs and wants above all else.

It involves understanding your customers' preferences, needs, and pain points and using that knowledge to design products, services, and experiences that meet those needs. By prioritising the customer experience, you can build a loyal customer base and improve your bottom line.

Now you know, let’s dive deeper.

Customer-Centric Brands 💁🏼‍♀️

Heard of Amazon, Apple, and Netflix? Neither have I…

They’re among the top brands that have prioritised and understand the importance of customer satisfaction, and have made it the cornerstone of their business strategy. Here’s how they’re creating content to support their customer-centric approach:

  1. Personalisation: They all use data and analytics to personalise their recommendations and provide a more personalised experience for their customers.

  2. Educational Content: They all create educational content, such as tutorials, user guides, and articles, that help customers better understand their products and services.

  3. Original Content: They all focus on creating compelling original content that resonates with their audience and keeps them engaged.

You’re not running Apple, Amazon, or Netflix? That’s a bummer…

Well, what can you learn from the success of these three customer-centric brands and adopt a similar approach within your own marketing?

Only when you have a crystal clear understanding of your customers can you then design products, services, and experiences that meet their needs. It really is as simple as that.

“That’s all great, but what content should I be creating to support my customers and improve the experience they’re having?”.

I’m glad you asked 💪🏻

Thousands of companies are now taking the leap into making regular content, be that photos, podcasts, newsletters, and videos to support their customer experience and user journey.

Here’s a chunky list of content that you can get started with today to instantly improve your customer-centricity:

  1. Educational content: How-to guides, tutorials, and product demos, that helps customers better understand your products and services.

  2. User-generated content: Customer reviews and testimonials, that highlight the experiences of real customers and help build trust and credibility.

  3. Personalised content: Customised recommendations and targeted offers, that tailor your messaging to individual customers based on their preferences and behavior.

  4. Interactive content: Quizzes, polls, and surveys, that engages customers and provides valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

  5. Social media content: Behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company culture and engaging user-generated content, that builds relationships and fosters a sense of community with your customers.

By providing valuable content, you can build a relationship with your customers and establish yourself as the go-to within your industry.

But here’s the catch…

You’ve got to do this consistently.

Positioning yourself as customer-centric isn’t an overnight task, and takes many weeks, months, and years to achieve. Apple was founded in 1976, and over time has focused on positioning itself as a leader in this area. You’ll get there, just think long-term.

Do with this information what you will, but trust me when I say, the customer-centric brands that create exceptional experiences with their customers are winning right now and will continue to win for many years to come 🏆

Until then, see you in next week’s newsletter!

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